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Rules & Regulations​


The Babe Cave Boutique Fitness Studio (aka The Babe Cave) strives to ensure a safe, friendly, and enjoyable environment that enables our members and guests to maximize their health and well-being.
We value and appreciate the uniqueness of each member, from novice to experienced members, in all aspects of exercise available here at the studio.
We envision The Babe Cave as a unique community of dedicated individuals who support, inspire, and respect each other.
We welcome your questions, suggestions, and concerns and look forward to progressively evolving The Babe Cave into the most extraordinary woman-focused health & fitness experience possible.
Please feel free to contact us at:
All members and guests must check in at the front desk for all services and appointments (i.e., open gym, fitness classes, infrared sauna, cold plunge, personal training, nutrition counseling, etc.).
Membership includes open gym and, IF purchased, add-on group fitness classes. Membership does not include services such as personal nutrition evaluations, personal training sessions, refreshments, retail therapy, infrared sauna, cold plunge, or any other specialized program or service.
It is strongly recommended that you receive permission from your physician before beginning any exercise program. If your health changes or you become pregnant - talk to your doctor or qualified exercise professional before continuing with any further physical activity program and notify the studio of any changes.

 The Babe Cave highly urges all new and prospective members to complete a self-guided or professionally guided exercise pre-participation health screening tool - Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone [PAR-Q+]. Exercise pre-participation health screening tools provide an authenticated means for new members to identify whether a level of risk exists that indicates that they should seek consultation from a qualified healthcare professional before engaging in a physical activity program.
If Babe Cave management is told that a current member or prospective member is pregnant or has a known cardiovascular, metabolic, or renal disease or any other self-disclosed medical concern that may affect the individual’s ability to exercise and/or utilize the cold plunge and/or sauna safely, medical clearance will be recommended and/or required.
Prospective members must sign a waiver and release form and terms and conditions form. In those instances where prospective members refuse to sign the waiver and release form and the terms and conditions form, they will be excluded from membership and participation to the extent permitted by law.
Once a new member has signed all required documentation, The Babe Cave requires the new member to complete a general orientation of the studio.
If you have a temporary illness, such as a cold or fever, please wait until you feel better. It is best for you and other Babe Cave members.
Do not participate in any area of the studio if impaired by alcohol or drugs.
Exercise may be strenuous, and you are advised to exercise at your own risk. Always exercise at your own level and pace.
Keep your coaches updated on any injuries or discomfort. Your safety is our number one concern, and most exercise programs can be modified to fit individual needs.
At any time, The Babe Cave reserves the right to obtain medical clearance if it is believed that a member or a guest may be in danger due to excessive exercise.


 In the event you begin to experience chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness, weakness/numbness, or other symptoms, stop exercising and immediately inform our staff.
Report any facility-related injury to the staff as soon as possible.
Minimum age at The Babe Cave is 14 years old. All members under 18 must have a waiver signed by a legal guardian.
We allow our members to bring guests as often as they wish. Day passes are available through the Glofox app. All guests must create a Glofox account and sign all required documentation.
All guests are expected to comply with and are subject to the same rules and regulations as The Babe Cave members.
Pets are not allowed in any studio area.
The Babe Cave requires that all members and guests obey the studio’s Code of Conduct posted in the studio. The Code of Conduct respects the rights of others to enjoy our facilities. These rights include but are not limited to health, safety, and privacy.
The Babe Cave does not permit disrupting or interfering with the workout of another member or our staff. All members and guests must respect the rights of others with courteous and appropriate behavior.
The use of drugs, alcohol, or steroids is strictly prohibited. Additionally, possession, sale, trading, or exchange of steroids is strictly prohibited on Babe Cave premises.
Smoking, tobacco use, and vaping are not permitted in our studio.
All members and guests are expected to use their best efforts to care for the equipment and facilities.


 The Babe Cave reserves the right to revoke any membership at any time for conduct contrary to the best interest of the studio and its members. Upon revocation, you will NOT be eligible for a refund for violating any Babe Cave rules, regulations, or policies.
Phone calls are restricted to the lobby area only. If a phone call is necessary, please keep it as brief and quiet as possible out of respect for fellow babes.
Upon entering The Babe Cave premises, all members must refrain from using loud or profane language. No member shall harass or assault other Babe Cave member(s), guests, or employees. Membership shall be subject to immediate cancellation if a member engages in such behavior.
The Babe Cave is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items. No bags, coats, or personal items are allowed in the fitness areas.
The Babe Cave requires that all members and guests obey the studio’s Locker Room Etiquette Rules posted in the locker room. The Locker Room Etiquette Rules respect the rights of all members to stay safe while enjoying our facilities. These rights include but are not limited to health, safety, respect, and privacy.
To ensure the privacy and safety of all members, cameras or photos of any kind are not allowed in the locker room.
All members and guests may use a locker based on availability (the studio does not provide locks). Locker rooms are for our members and guests ONLY. All property must be removed from lockers immediately following workouts.
Changing into exercise attire must be performed in the locker/shower room.
Please cover up whenever possible.


 Be quick in the shower and when changing. Keep your eyes to yourself.
Be tidy and clean. Don’t leave towels on the floor; keep the floor clear of clothes and gym bags.
Dry off before leaving the shower area/cold plunge to avoid tracking water and use CAUTION - floors may be slippery when wet.
Treat the locker room as you would treat your own home. Don’t take excessive time when the locker room is crowded.
Don’t make others uncomfortable with conversations while changing or showering.
Don’t comment on other members, coaches, or Babe Cave staff.
Don’t overuse deodorant or perfumes.
Don’t hog mirror space.
Enjoy our unique member-only supply basket curated, especially for our babes.
When using the exercise equipment, members and guests must always wear proper training attire (cover the girls and the cheeks, please). Jeans or other non-workout clothes are not permitted. Open-toed shoes (sandals) and outside footwear are not allowed. Clean training shoes are required.
Bare feet are not allowed outside of locker rooms.
Proper attire is required for the infrared sauna and cold plunge.
Proper personal hygiene must be maintained by showering regularly, wearing clean clothing, and using deodorant.


 Please refrain from using excessive perfumes or fragrant lotions, as they may offend others.
Changing into exercise attire must be performed in the locker room.
The Babe Cave requires that all members and guests obey the studio’s Fitness Studio Safety Rules posted in the studio. The Fitness Studio Safety Rules respect the rights of all members to stay safe while enjoying our facilities. These rights include but are not limited to health, safety, respect, and privacy.
Use of fitness equipment and programs is at your own risk.
Respect everyone’s time. If using equipment, be willing to share if others are waiting.
Only trainers authorized by The Babe Cave management can train in the studio.
Water only in the fitness area. Containers must be sealed with a lid. Spills must be cleaned up by the member or guest immediately.
No eating in the fitness area.
Open gym hours are determined based on class schedules and are subject to change.
Observe weight room etiquette and demonstrate courtesy towards others in the room at all times.
Utilize spotters when appropriate.
Members must use safety bars when using the squat racks. Set the safety bars about one inch lower than your lowest movement with the bar.

 Dumbbells, kettlebells, and weight plates must not be dropped on the floor.
Medicine balls must not be thrown against walls.
Weight plates must not be leaned against equipment, walls, or machines.
Collars are to be used at all times to secure weights on bars. After utilizing equipment, bars must be stripped, and dumbbells must be returned to proper storage areas.
Please use only one piece of equipment at a time and take turns with others.
Use equipment only for its intended use. Ask for help if you are trying something new.
Clean up after yourself. Return all weights, yoga mats, etc., to their proper storage area.
Each member and guest must wipe down all equipment used (i.e., weights, yoga mats, equipment, etc.) with a disinfectant The Babe Cave provides throughout the exercise areas in the facility after use.
The time limit for cardio equipment during busy periods is 30 minutes per machine. If no one is waiting, you may continue to use the equipment.
Please also be considerate when informing a fellow exerciser that you are patiently waiting for their machine. Ask them how long they have to complete their session.
Please reset all cardio machines for the next member.
Members and guests should immediately report all equipment malfunctions and specific concerns to staff.
Please follow the specific guidelines set forth for each class.


 Please refrain from outside conversations during class as it distracts fellow class members and your instructor.
A proper warm-up is essential for avoiding injuries. Therefore, no one will be permitted to enter a class if they are more than 10 minutes late.
A proper cool-down and stretch are also important after working out. If you need to leave early, please inform your instructor and allow yourself an extra 5 minutes to cool down properly.
All fitness equipment used during the class must be wiped down and put away.
The cold plunge and infrared sauna are exclusively for members and guests and by appointment ONLY.
Use of the amenities is at your own risk.
Please respect other members when utilizing these amenities and adhere to your scheduled appointment time.
The Babe Cave requires all members and guests to obey the studio’s Cold Plunge Safety Rules and Infrared Sauna Safety Rules posted alongside the amenities in the locker room. These rules respect the rights of all members to stay safe while enjoying our amenities. These rights include but are not limited to health, safety, respect, and privacy.
You must adhere to all restrictions relating to specific health conditions. Your health and safety are top priorities at The Babe Cave Boutique Fitness Studio. It is strongly advised that you consult your doctor prior to using the cold plunge and/or infrared sauna, particularly if you have the following conditions: heart disease, high blood pressure, poor circulation, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, venous stasis, hypertension, heart arrhythmia, or are pregnant or any other known health conditions. If pregnant, The Babe Cave requires a release form from your doctor.


 Please keep equipment clean for everyone’s safety by being hygienic before entering the sauna or cold plunge (Requirements: must sit on a separate towel in the infrared sauna and shower prior to cold plunge use).
The Babe Cave uses specialty cleaning solutions for the infrared Sauna, and chlorine is used and maintained at appropriate levels for the cold plunge.
The Babe Cave Boutique Fitness Studio reserves the right to refuse service to any member not following our hygiene rules. You will NOT be eligible for a refund for violating any Babe Cave rules, regulations, or policies.
Please do not linger and converse in the locker room after your appointment.
You MUST shower before using the cold plunge.
You MUST wear clothing or swimwear and remove jewelry prior to use.
One person in the cold plunge per session.
Observe and obey time restrictions - aim for a 2-5 minute plunge.
Enter and exit slowly.
Exit immediately if uncomfortable, dizzy, or lightheaded. Do not be careless about staying in the plunge for too long.
Do not adjust the temperature setting or add anything to our cold plunge tub.
Do not place electrical items (phone, hairdryer, etc.) within 5 feet of the cold plunge.
The cold plunge will not operate during severe weather conditions. Please find a staff member if you have any questions or need assistance.


 Towels are available for member use. Please wipe down all surfaces before and after exiting to avoid water on the locker room floor. Dispose of used towels in the designated area.
Take time warming up after plunging.
You MUST wear clothing, swimwear, or wrap with a towel. If wearing clothing, opt for loose, lightweight clothing, as heavy clothing can lead to overheating. Remove jewelry prior to use.
You MUST sit on a towel regardless of whether you are wrapped with a separate towel.
A maximum of 2 persons in the sauna per session.
Observe and obey time restrictions - sessions are limited to 15-30 minutes per session.
Exit immediately if uncomfortable, dizzy, or lightheaded. Staying in the sauna too long will cause your body to overheat.
Do not adjust the temperature setting.
The sauna will not operate during severe weather conditions.
Please find a staff member if you have any questions or need assistance.
Towels are available for member use. Please dispose of used towels in the designated area.
Rest, cool down, and hydrate after use.
The Babe Cave reserves the right to make any changes to any rules, regulations, policies, guidelines, terms and conditions, and signage detailed and/or mentioned in this document.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions Agreement signed at the time of membership for any additional information.

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